Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Hypo Venture Capital

Our company invests venture capital funds into newly created companies, primarily in western Europe. At current, our focus is within the internet and world wide web. We provide management guidance as well as seed funding.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: North Korea Diplomat to Visit US for Nuclear Talks

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday that Kim Kye Gwan, North Korea’s first vice minister and former chief nuclear envoy, will visit New York this week to meet with senior U.S. officials.  Clinton said Kim will meet with an interagency team of U.S. officials for discussions on the next steps necessary to resume denuclearization negotiations through the six party talks, involving the two Koreas, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia. The secretary said that although Washington is open to talks with North Korea, there is no appetite for lengthy negotiations that would only lead to the starting point again. Clinton also said that Washington would not give the North anything new for actions they have already agreed to take. She added that the U.S. position remains that North Korea must comply with its commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks, relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, and the terms of the Armistice Agreement.

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Obama sees China as a partner in Mars mission

U.S. President Barack Obama views China as a potential partner for an eventual human mission to Mars that would be difficult for any single nation to undertake, a senior White House official told lawmakers.Testifying May 4 before the House Appropriations subcommittee on commerce, justice and science, White House science adviser John Holdren said near-term engagement with China in civil space will help lay the groundwork for any such future endeavor. He prefaced his remarks with the assertion that human exploration of Mars is a long-term proposition and that any discussion of cooperating with Beijing on such an effort is speculative. 
“(What) the president has deemed worth discussing with the Chinese and others is that when the time comes for humans to visit Mars, it’s going to be an extremely expensive proposition and the question is whether it will really make sense — at the time that we’re ready to do that — to do it as one nation rather than to do it in concert,” Holdren said in response to a question from Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., a staunch China critic who chairs the powerful subcommittee that oversees NASA spending.
Holdren, who said NASA could also benefit from cooperating with China on detection and tracking of orbital debris, stressed that any U.S. collaboration with Beijing in manned spaceflight would depend on future Sino-U.S. relations.
“But many of us, including the president, including myself, including (NASA Administrator Charles) Bolden, believe that it’s not too soon to have preliminary conversations about what involving China in that sort of cooperation might entail,” Holdren said. “If China is going to be, by 2030, the biggest economy in the world … it could certainly be to our benefit to share the costs of such an expensive venture with them and with others.”
Wolf, who characterizes China’s government as “fundamentally evil,” said it is outrageous that the Obama administration would have close ties with Beijing’s space program, which is believed to be run primarily by the People’s Liberation Army, or PLA.
“When you say you want to work in concert, it’s almost like you’re talking about Norway or England or something like that,” an irate Wolf told Holdren, repeatedly pounding a hand against the table top in front of him. “As long as I have breath in me, we will talk about this, we will deal with this issue, whether it be a Republican administration or a Democrat administration, it is fundamentally immoral.”
Holdren said he admired Wolf’s leadership in calling attention to China’s human-rights record, but noted that even when then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan referred to the former Soviet Union as “the evil empire” in the late 1980s, he continued to cooperate with the communist bloc in science and technology if doing so was deemed in the U.S. national interest.
“The efforts we are undertaking to do things together with China in science and technology are very carefully crafted to be efforts that are in our own national interest,” Holdren said. “That does not mean that we admire the Chinese government; that does not mean we are blind to the human rights abuses.”
Holdren said that as White House science adviser, his capacity to influence the president’s diplomatic approach to Beijing is limited.
“I am not the person who’s going to be whispering in the president’s ear on what our stance toward China should be, government to government, except in the domain where I have the responsibility for helping the president judge whether particular activities in science and technology are in our national interest or not,” Holdren said.
Recently enacted legislation prohibits U.S. government collaboration with the Chinese in areas funded by Wolf’s subcommittee, whose jurisdiction also includes the U.S. Commerce and Justice departments, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
When asked how he interpreted the new law, part of a continuing resolution approved in April that funds federal agencies through Sept. 30, Holdren said the administration will live within the terms of the prohibition.
“I am instructed, after consultation with counsel, who in turn consulted with appropriate people in the Department of Justice, that that language should not be read as prohibiting actions that are part of the president’s constitutional authority to conduct negotiations,” Holdren said. “At the same time there are obviously a variety of aspects of that prohibition that very much apply and we’ll be looking at that on a case by case basis in (the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy) to be sure we are compliant.”
Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, who joined Wolf last fall in opposing an official visit to Beijing by Bolden, accused Holdren and the White House of plotting to circumvent the law.
“It’s not ambiguous, it’s not confusing, but you just stated to the chairman of this committee that you and the administration have already embarked on a policy to evade and avoid this very specific and unambiguous requirement of law if in your opinion it is in furtherance of negotiation of a treaty,” Culberson said. “That’s exactly what you just said. I don’t want to hear about you not being a lawyer.”
Holdren said a variety of opinions and legal documents indicate the president has exclusive constitutional authority to determine the time, scope and objectives of international negotiations and discussions, as well as the authority to determine the preferred agents who will represent the United States in those exchanges.
Culberson reminded Holdren that the administration’s civil research and development funding flows through Wolf’s subcommittee, and that funding could be choked off if the White House fails to comply with the law.
“Your office cannot participate, nor can NASA, in any way, in any type of policy, program, order or contract of any kind with China or any Chinese-owned company,” Culberson said. “If you or anyone in your office, or anyone at NASA participates, collaborates or coordinates in any way with China or a Chinese-owned company … you’re in violation of this statute, and frankly you’re endangering your funding. You’ve got a huge problem on your hands. Huge.”

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Shortage of independent financial advisers looming

Financial advisers who can give independent guidance to New Zealanders will be in short supply when the new financial services regime comes into full effect on July 1, less than two months away.
And at least one industry player is warning it will only worsen the country’s underinsurance problem.
So far the Financial Markets Authority has on its records 4953 registered financial advisers (RFA) and 454 authorised financial advisers (AFA). It expects the numbers to rise to 5000 and 2000 respectively by the regulation deadline, but that is still far less than the numbers the industry originally estimated.
AFAs and RFAs are considered “independents” compared to qualifying financial entity (QFE) advisers who are “locked” into giving advice on products they market. So far, the 63 QFEs on the register have an estimated 20,000 advisers among them.
Fidelity Life chief executive Milton Jennings said the decrease is not good for the insurance industry which is serviced by both RFAs and QFE advisers, and the retail investment industry which is covered by AFAs.
“We’ve got an underinsurance problem in this country. Less people selling insurance will only make the problem worse.”
He said the lack of independent financial advisers tilts the insurance market to favour banks that “are getting far better in insuring people”.
It will split the market with “RFAs on the high-end side of the advice market and banks in the transactional volume end of the market with the simpler type of products”.
Jennings said the Government was expecting 5000 AFAs but “there’s not even 2000 right now” because many advisers stop at the entry RFA level even if they could get to AFA status because of the cost.
“There’s a lot of compliance they have to go through, a lot of costs and unless they’ve got a strong business then they’d find it difficult to make good money,” Jennings said.
When you compare the 2000 AFAs expected by July and the 1.7 million KiwiSaver members, Jennings said it’s like “having one AFA for every 800 to 1000 people” – which is not in balance.
The FMA’s Mel Hewitson said “5000 was never a target, but an estimate made early in the FAA regime planning stages”.
“Not having available basic information like that is one of the problems we’re facing regulating a previously unregulated industry. In the past we’ve never known how many advisers were offering complex AFA-level advice for clients because there’s been no requirement to register or qualify before,” Hewitson said.
He said it had expected the qualification requirements of the new regime to reduce adviser numbers, “that was the experience in Australia as well”.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Shortage of independent financial advisers looming

Financial advisers who can give independent guidance to New Zealanders will be in short supply when the new financial services regime comes into full effect on July 1, less than two months away.
And at least one industry player is warning it will only worsen the country’s underinsurance problem.
So far the Financial Markets Authority has on its records 4953 registered financial advisers (RFA) and 454 authorised financial advisers (AFA). It expects the numbers to rise to 5000 and 2000 respectively by the regulation deadline, but that is still far less than the numbers the industry originally estimated.
AFAs and RFAs are considered “independents” compared to qualifying financial entity (QFE) advisers who are “locked” into giving advice on products they market. So far, the 63 QFEs on the register have an estimated 20,000 advisers among them.
Fidelity Life chief executive Milton Jennings said the decrease is not good for the insurance industry which is serviced by both RFAs and QFE advisers, and the retail investment industry which is covered by AFAs.
“We’ve got an underinsurance problem in this country. Less people selling insurance will only make the problem worse.”
He said the lack of independent financial advisers tilts the insurance market to favour banks that “are getting far better in insuring people”.
It will split the market with “RFAs on the high-end side of the advice market and banks in the transactional volume end of the market with the simpler type of products”.
Jennings said the Government was expecting 5000 AFAs but “there’s not even 2000 right now” because many advisers stop at the entry RFA level even if they could get to AFA status because of the cost.
“There’s a lot of compliance they have to go through, a lot of costs and unless they’ve got a strong business then they’d find it difficult to make good money,” Jennings said.
When you compare the 2000 AFAs expected by July and the 1.7 million KiwiSaver members, Jennings said it’s like “having one AFA for every 800 to 1000 people” – which is not in balance.
The FMA’s Mel Hewitson said “5000 was never a target, but an estimate made early in the FAA regime planning stages”.
“Not having available basic information like that is one of the problems we’re facing regulating a previously unregulated industry. In the past we’ve never known how many advisers were offering complex AFA-level advice for clients because there’s been no requirement to register or qualify before,” Hewitson said.
He said it had expected the qualification requirements of the new regime to reduce adviser numbers, “that was the experience in Australia as well”.

Hypo Venture Capital World Headlines

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Pacquiao, Mosley weigh in for WBO title fight LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino congressman who holds two world titles, puts his World Boxing Organization title on the line when he meets Shane Mosley in a welterweight bout on Saturday. Pacquiao and challenger Mosley weighed in Friday for their title fight in front of a standing-room only crowd of about 6,500 at the MGM Grand Garden arena. Pacquiao, who is a 6-1 favorite, tipped the scales at 145 pounds and American Mosley was 147 pounds. The 32-year-old Pacquiao stripped off his red and blue track suit and stepped onto the scale wearing just his shorts and white socks as a roar went up from the mostly Filipino crowd. “I believe Shane Mosley is a good fighter and he trained his hardest for this fight so I have had to train even harder,” said Pacquiao, who is also the WBC super welterweight champion. 

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich: Try Investing In Foreign Markets For Exceptional Profits – HypoVen

Foreign markets have been mostly referred to as rising markets if anything, though a European marketplace is included. Foreign batch markets have been charity incomparable earnings than a U.S. batch marketplace for many of this decade, partly given they begin out during a reduce base. Investors unprotected to unfamiliar marketplace expansion intensity of a rising countries, can bound upon a high-return gravy train, so prolonged as they equivocate a float off a precipice that has happened mostly with rising marketplace stocks.

Here during Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we have been committed to charity a clients entrance to a ultimate as good as broadest operation of monetary services as good as products upon a market. We know that selecting a right strategy, a right investment as good as a right product is no easy charge in this day as good as age! Whether a advice, investments or monetary formulation we have been here to answer all your questions as good as promote all your monetary needs.

Foreign Markets Include BRIC as good as Feeder Countries

Some of a unfamiliar rising marketplace countries embody Brazil Russia, India, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Israel, as good as even New Zealand as good as Australia can be included. Part of a captivate of multiform of these countries is that their altogether marketplace worth is significantly reduce than a US marketplace value. For example: trade a 5 dollar batch can suggest incomparable commission earnings formed upon a given collateral investment than a $50 batch given of a inlet of incomparable numbers contra not as big numbers.

Smaller numbers can enlarge some-more fast upon a commission basement than incomparable numbers with a given turn of investment. This actuality alone allows rising markets to suggest incomparable commission returns. For example, a complete US batch marketplace is valued over $21 trillion, where China’s complete batch marketplace is valued during we estimate $1.6 trillion. For a $21 trillion marketplace to stand in in worth to $42 trillion is a significantly some-more formidable attainment than a $1.6 trillion marketplace doubling to $3.2 trillion.

Foreign Emerging Markets with Manufacturing as good as Agricultural Power

Meanwhile a rising countries all have poignant rural prolongation as good as flourishing prolongation production. The turn of comprehensive prolongation is not as vicious as a expansion rate of a prolongation of assorted industries, both rural as good as manufacturing; given batch markets in a unfamiliar marketplace or an rising marketplace have been a destiny presaging device.

Foreign rising markets suggest poignant distinction intensity in a batch locus given their populations have been growing, mostly during a rate stand in or three times of a grown Western world, with a difference of Russia, additionally given they have been prolongation as good as flourishing agriculturally. Brazil, for example, has turn a single of a heading producers of cotton, corn, as good as soy even displacing a U.S. in a little markets.

One of a hurdles of investing in rising markets or unfamiliar markets is that these markets have significantly aloft marketplace sensitivity or risk. One process mitigating this risk is to occupy 15% stop loss, in all marketplace investments. With this stop detriment used for unfamiliar marketplace investing a extensive distinction intensity can be enjoyed whilst tying a contingent crashes that trouble unfamiliar rising markets frequently. Additionally, banking waste used to be a usual complaint with unfamiliar marketplace investing. The dollar for example has been shifting opposite many currencies, a worth of a unfamiliar banking has combined to a earnings upon unfamiliar marketplace investing. Ultimately, depending upon that markets we have been investing, with banking fluctuations it is probable to have income both upon a investment as good as upon a acclimatisation behind to your own currency.

About a Author:
Stephen Holmes is a Senior Vice President during Hypo Venture Capital, with knowledge in a Financial Services attention travelling over 25ys as good as 3 Continents. Stephen now directs a Portfolio Risk Management Group after relocating from a Equity Derivatives Research Group 3yrs ago. He has a PhD in Experimental Particle Physics as good as has been operative in a pick investment attention given 1992. His interests embody exemplary music, celebration of a mass as good as he mostly is a guest orator during corporate functions with a concentration upon Technology in Society.

Hypo Venture Capital Why Invest Offshore

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs
What are the benefits available to you from the world of offshore savings, investment, finance and banking?
Even in this day and age of enlightenment thanks to the pervasive nature of information dissemination via the internet, some people are still concerned about the legalities and legitimacy of the offshore world of finance and banking. For some reason others simply assume that onshore equates to a 'safe haven' for money and offshore equates to a 'risky tax haven.'
Well, you and I know that that is simply not the case! However, even though it is now clearer to more people that the offshore world holds many potential taxation benefits, there are still questions to be answered about why one should invest offshore and in this article we explore the benefits.
First things's another myth I wish to dispel – some people say that offshore investments and bank accounts are more lightly regulated than their entity-type-counterparts, that's not necessarily true!
Yes, certain jurisdictions give fund managers, bankers and investors pretty much free rein so that the rewards and risks are potentially far greater – but some jurisdictions are very highly regarded among financial professionals simply because of the incredibly high standards of protection they afford investors and account holders through insurance schemes and government regulation requirements for example:
The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are examples of offshore jurisdictions where offshore investment and saving policy or bank account holders are afforded high levels of protection. Just taking the Isle of Man – it offers policyholder protection schemes, it also has the highest financial services rating issued by the OECD, FATF and FSF and it has an independent Financial Services Ombudsman scheme not to mention the fact that both Standard and Poor's and Moody's have given the Isle of Man AAA ratings.
So – myth dispelled, let's move on.
In terms of the benefits available when investing offshore they will always, always depend on the particular circumstances of the individual investor - but offshore financial services and structures can be used as part of an overall asset protection strategy for example, investing offshore can afford an investor greater flexibility in terms of international accessibility and the commodities, equities, derivatives, stocks, shares or companies they can invest in, plus there are of course sometimes significant taxation benefits available to an account holder depending on their countries of tax residence and domicile.
Other answers to the question posed by this article – namely 'why invest offshore?' – are because there are general benefits available including more efficient estate planning potential, privacy and confidentiality, better interest returns, the chance to exploit active business interests overseas in low or no tax locations and global access to assets and income.
So, while the internet has been fantastic in terms of allowing more people to become far more broadly informed - especially about subjects as seemingly taboo as all things offshore - it is still absolutely in a government's interests to avoid advising people that the offshore world is open and available to them because they may well lose out on taxation revenue as a result! This means it is up to independent websites such as World Financial Asset Advisory to give you free access to facts and general information and for you to then see how and why such information is or is not applicable to your own personal circumstances. At which stage you can then take specific and expert advice from a qualified individual as to how you can best utilize the offshore world.
And on that final note there is just one more thing to say! A potential investor (you) has to be absolutely sure that the actions they are about to take in terms of placing assets offshore will be of benefit to them. Additionally they need to make sure that they are acting legally, that a company they are entrusting with their money is legitimate and that they understand the risks associated with their decisions.
To that end we at Hypo Venture Capital will always advise that you should to do your own due diligence on the jurisdiction recommended to you or chosen by you, the company you are considering investing or banking with and the policy or account you are taking out. Common sense is the main key to ensuring you do not make a mistake when entering the world of offshore finance and common sense is something we here at Hypo Venture Capital pride ourselves on!
About the Author:
Stephen Holmes is a Senior Vice President at Hypo Venture Capital, with experience in the Financial Services industry spanning over 25ys and 3 Continents. Stephen currently directs the Portfolio Risk Management Group after moving from the Equity Derivatives Research Group 3yrs ago. He has a PhD in Experimental Particle Physics and has been working in the alternative investment industry since 1992. His interests include classical music, reading and he often is a guest speaker at corporate functions with a focus on 'Technology in Society'.
Want to know more?
Hypo Venture Capital is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors.
About Author
  Hypo Venture Capital is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Surprise boost to retail sales unlikely to hold

UK retail sales spiked in April after weaker data the month before, but experts warned it was likely a temporary boost due to a later Easter, warmer weather and the “royal wedding effect”.

Food and clothing sales led to a 1.1% jump in sales volumes, which represented a 2.8% increase year-on-year.
But experts said last month’s bounce on the high street was aided by what the Office for National Statistics (ONS) termed “unusual events” and would likely peter off next month.

Howard Archer, chief European and UK economist at IHS Global Insight, said: “While welcome, we strongly doubt that the 1.1% jump in retail sales volumes in April is a sign that the consumer is roaring back to life. Rather, what it suggests is that pressurised customers need a particularly favourable set of circumstances to part with their cash.”
He said this is demonstrated by the relatively muted increase of 0.2% in the three months to April compared to the three months to January.
But Vicky Redwood, senior UK economist at Capital Economics, pointed out the ONS figures do adjust for the Easter timing effects unlike the British Retail Consortium measure of sales, so the strength does not just reflect the later fall of the Christian festival.

She admitted the warmest April on record and the extra Bank Holiday will have made a difference, but added: “Not all sectors benefited from the warm weather. For example, sales in ‘other’ (including department stores) fell. Indeed overall non-food sales rose by only 0.4% month on month.
“What’s more, if the warm weather and Royal Wedding encouraged people to eat and drink at home, rather than go out, then the strength of retail sales in April may just have been offset by weaker spending on consumer services.”
Back in March, retail sales showed a 0.4% rise month-on-month and an increase of 0.9% year-on-year.
Sterling’s reaction
Like the experts, it seemed the markets too were sceptical of April’s figures. While the FTSE 100 regained earlier losses by Thursday lunchtime, the pound only marginally strengthened against the euro and dollar.

Richard Driver, currency analyst at CaxtonFX, said: “Sterling has made some gains in response, but not as much as you’d normally expect with such an impressive figure. Gains have been limited by a broader view that the UK economy is in pretty poor shape, and this is the key obstacle to a Bank of England rate rise this year.”
Nida Ali, economic adviser to the Ernst & Young ITEM Club, agreed: “The broader picture of a weak consumer outlook remains unchanged. High inflation is eroding real incomes and the labour market remains weak.”

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines:Israel’s Fischer interested in IMF job
JERUSALEM — Israel’s central bank chief, Stanley Fischer, is interested in the top job at the International Monetary Fund and has received a number of phone calls in recent days from around the world encouraging him to apply, a person familiar with the banker’s thinking told The Associated Press on Sunday.
The person said Fischer has not decided whether to pursue the job and has no desire to leave his current post, but would have a hard time saying no to the IMF. “If the opportunity comes along, he will take it,” said the person.
He spoke on condition of anonymity because Fischer is still weighing his options. He said he expects Fischer to make a decision within the next two weeks.
Fischer, an internationally respected economist, held the No. 2 position at the IMF during the 1990s and is well acquainted with the workings of the fund.
Born in Zambia and educated at the London School of Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he also has held top jobs at the World Bank and at Citigroup Corp.
Fischer came to Israel in 2005 to take the post of governor of the Bank of Israel. He has been widely credited with enabling the country to largely escape the global economic crisis. Unemployment in Israel is just over 6 percent, and the real estate sector is booming.
Last year, he was appointed to a second five-year term.
Fischer has received phone calls from top IMF officials and officials from major finance ministries around the world encouraging him to seek the post, the person said. He refused to identify the countries or officials.
The post has traditionally gone to a European, and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has emerged as the front-runner. Developing nations have argued that someone from another region should be considered.
The IMF’s last director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, quit this month after he was accused of attempting to rape a New York hotel maid.

Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Switzerland Seizing Opportunities in Tough Economic Times

Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
Many of us have concerns about staying on track in these uncertain economic times. Mounting layoffs, plunging home values and declining stock prices all have a way of generating fear and uncertainty.
"Even though things look bad sometimes, you need to remain focused on opportunities," says Andrew Bradley, HVC’s chief investment officer. "We like to say there's opportunity in every market."
Today's investors face unprecedented challenges
2009 got off to a rough start, with the economy and financial markets still reeling from last year's credit market meltdown and resulting financial crisis. The markets traded down in a painful, correlated fashion, while economic activity plunged.
But since the end of the first quarter, signs of improvement have emerged. The equity market has enjoyed a meaningful rally since mid-March, led by the financial and consumer discretionary sectors. There is still have a long way to go before things get considerably better and before the economic picture brightens considerably but overall the worst may be behind us.
The housing market remains a major thorn in the side of economic growth. Part of the problem is too much supply relative to demand. We are starting to see housing prices fall to the point where buyers are attracted into the market and transactions are occurring.
These imbalances go beyond housing to a worldwide perspective. For example, the United States consumes too much and saves too little, whereas developed and emerging Asian countries save too much and consume too little. We should see the impact of these imbalances play out in the coming months, as countries around the world tackle the mounting challenges.
A return to growth is on the horizon
We believe economic growth may resume in the fourth quarter of 2009. That doesn't necessarily mean things are going to rocket up in the markets, but it means we're setting the stage for better times ahead.
The federal government's stimulus package along with the Federal Reserve’s extraordinary expansion of its balance sheet will begin to show results.
Although the amount of federal stimulus is record-breaking, it's been necessary to combat the significant deflationary pressures triggered by the financial crisis. Once deflation takes hold, it's extremely difficult to counteract. In an environment in which consumers and businesses expect prices to fall, they begin to defer consumption, believing they will be able to make their purchases at a cheaper price down the road. Therefore, the government is doing everything it can to ward off deflation, even as it risks promoting inflation.
Opportunity is within your reach
As troubling as recent market events have been, it's important not to get consumed by the daily ups and downs. Instead, focus on factors that promote long-term financial success.
These factors are most evident when examining the philosophy and practices of those who have achieved financial comfort — people who possess the ability to tackle any tough financial situation and the insight to capitalize on opportunity. Author and TV commentator Jean Chatzky calls this phenomenon "the difference." "Whatever the economy, these are the people who have the skills and attributes necessary to move into lasting financial comfort and wealth."
What makes a financial difference
Recent research on American attitudes toward money and personal finances found that financially successful people exhibit several common factors, including happiness/optimism, resilience, connectedness and habitual saving.
These are the people who know the difference.
How you can stay on track
Based on the characteristics and experiences of financially successful Americans, there are several actions and strategies to help people stay on track, focus on saving and protect loved ones during good and bad economic times.
People who have goals for the short, medium and long term, research has shown, actually achieved their goals more often than people who don't plan. "Why? Because when you’re running a race, it helps to know where you're going.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich - Choosing Among Contradictory Financial Advises

( May 19, 2011 --
Generally there can be a number of considerations being set into print, in to blogs as well as in to television programs concerning how to invest currently. Comparable to our politics, it appears as if we’re as divisive as always about the economic climate, and what exactly that suggests for your cash.

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
How should you decide between your various types of information? Precisely how did you know what exactly is suitable? The following are things to consider that might assist you :
#1 Most of anything you find is actually from a trader’s point of view

In case you watch CNBC or perhaps examine a variety of articles on the internet, a lot of what you notice is often a short-term emphasis. The main issue with the character of the investor is to go after a momentum... If something is heading right up, you should buy it. Man, that’s a detrimental concept that is actually, and also what you don’t usually reveal often most of these specialist “traders” are purchasing using one foot out of doors. The precise most certain manifestation of an opportunity in the trend, and they’re right out of the situation.
You may make your cash dealing. Great number of people does. However, it is likely you won’t. In case supplementary investments on the ends of your account - generally including securing the best principal positions . Together with in any event, investing is definitely a small section of whatever you might. I’m simply not suitable at it, plus honestly, I don’t observe each second of the market daily nor desired to.
Ensure that you realize in which the viewpoint is relating to investing versus trading whenever you’re hearing exactly what an individual claims.

#2 - If you're not a trader, normally a perma-bull
Another main group will be the perma-bulls. The enthusiasm for your ever-increasing expectations is usually the belief that they benefit any Wall Street determined by everyone purchasing shares. That may be the alternative party you need to be truly mindful after you hear all of them.

These are the basic individuals who stated your world 20,000 in 2010. They will in addition declare your financial state will undoubtedly proceed rising as well as Fed money are able to leave your easy-monetary plans these days. May be these individuals are completely wrong? Probably, maybe not, yet maintain their own impression within perspective.
#3 - How about the perma-bears?

Several accuse us to be perma-bears. Very well, we began our site 2009, therefore a two year period horizon can be virtually good enough time for you to recognize regardless of whether I’m a perms-bear. The fact is no I’m definitely not.
I’m bearish for the public. People are likely to think it is significantly hard to take care of the quality of life that they’ve come to be acquainted.

Just what I’m growing about may be the possibilities forward the intelligent, hard-working, as well as progressive section of our society (that is a very small portion of society). Is usually a marvelous factor. Volatile can easily equal affected investments. We anticipate the actual approaching future very much.
#4- Disregard the distractions, keep the actual developments that you understand are working
There’s a great deal of disturbance inside structure. Significantly from it can be from your first two items above. The actual fact is always you'll want to attempt to prevent most of it out, while focusing to the long-term, multi-year developments you are sure of within position. These kinds of trends that you desire being subjected to, irrespective of short-term variations.

The greatest development we will have within coming years is what we pointed out: the conventional of just living can decrease for the people in this nation. The idea requires going several years ago, even so it was postponed by estate plus a substantial increased debts. Your government is intending to relieve this method through pulling out all over decades instead of individuals having to make medication abruptly. You actually may claim when it is a correct approach, however, if you’re completely honest, you can’t reason that this can be in fact taking place.
The alternative significant craze that we consider will be strongly available would likely currency will likely be debased. The particular breaks within the financial reserve currency are provided regularly since economies in the international marketplace maintain broadcast the entire move away from this. That isn’t a grea 

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich - Choosing Among Contradictory Financial Advises

( May 19, 2011 --
Generally there can be a number of considerations being set into print, in to blogs as well as in to television programs concerning how to invest currently. Comparable to our politics, it appears as if we’re as divisive as always about the economic climate, and what exactly that suggests for your cash.

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
How should you decide between your various types of information? Precisely how did you know what exactly is suitable? The following are things to consider that might assist you :
#1 Most of anything you find is actually from a trader’s point of view

In case you watch CNBC or perhaps examine a variety of articles on the internet, a lot of what you notice is often a short-term emphasis. The main issue with the character of the investor is to go after a momentum... If something is heading right up, you should buy it. Man, that’s a detrimental concept that is actually, and also what you don’t usually reveal often most of these specialist “traders” are purchasing using one foot out of doors. The precise most certain manifestation of an opportunity in the trend, and they’re right out of the situation.
You may make your cash dealing. Great number of people does. However, it is likely you won’t. In case supplementary investments on the ends of your account - generally including securing the best principal positions . Together with in any event, investing is definitely a small section of whatever you might. I’m simply not suitable at it, plus honestly, I don’t observe each second of the market daily nor desired to.
Ensure that you realize in which the viewpoint is relating to investing versus trading whenever you’re hearing exactly what an individual claims.

#2 - If you're not a trader, normally a perma-bull
Another main group will be the perma-bulls. The enthusiasm for your ever-increasing expectations is usually the belief that they benefit any Wall Street determined by everyone purchasing shares. That may be the alternative party you need to be truly mindful after you hear all of them.

These are the basic individuals who stated your world 20,000 in 2010. They will in addition declare your financial state will undoubtedly proceed rising as well as Fed money are able to leave your easy-monetary plans these days. May be these individuals are completely wrong? Probably, maybe not, yet maintain their own impression within perspective.
#3 - How about the perma-bears?

Several accuse us to be perma-bears. Very well, we began our site 2009, therefore a two year period horizon can be virtually good enough time for you to recognize regardless of whether I’m a perms-bear. The fact is no I’m definitely not.
I’m bearish for the public. People are likely to think it is significantly hard to take care of the quality of life that they’ve come to be acquainted.

Just what I’m growing about may be the possibilities forward the intelligent, hard-working, as well as progressive section of our society (that is a very small portion of society). Is usually a marvelous factor. Volatile can easily equal affected investments. We anticipate the actual approaching future very much.
#4- Disregard the distractions, keep the actual developments that you understand are working
There’s a great deal of disturbance inside structure. Significantly from it can be from your first two items above. The actual fact is always you'll want to attempt to prevent most of it out, while focusing to the long-term, multi-year developments you are sure of within position. These kinds of trends that you desire being subjected to, irrespective of short-term variations.

The greatest development we will have within coming years is what we pointed out: the conventional of just living can decrease for the people in this nation. The idea requires going several years ago, even so it was postponed by estate plus a substantial increased debts. Your government is intending to relieve this method through pulling out all over decades instead of individuals having to make medication abruptly. You actually may claim when it is a correct approach, however, if you’re completely honest, you can’t reason that this can be in fact taking place.
The alternative significant craze that we consider will be strongly available would likely currency will likely be debased. The particular breaks within the financial reserve currency are provided regularly since economies in the international marketplace maintain broadcast the entire move away from this. That isn’t a grea 

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich: Try Investing In Foreign Markets For Exceptional Profits – HypoVen

Foreign markets have been mostly referred to as rising markets if anything, though a European marketplace is included. Foreign batch markets have been charity incomparable earnings than a U.S. batch marketplace for many of this decade, partly given they begin out during a reduce base. Investors unprotected to unfamiliar marketplace expansion intensity of a rising countries, can bound upon a high-return gravy train, so prolonged as they equivocate a float off a precipice that has happened mostly with rising marketplace stocks.

Here during Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we have been committed to charity a clients entrance to a ultimate as good as broadest operation of monetary services as good as products upon a market. We know that selecting a right strategy, a right investment as good as a right product is no easy charge in this day as good as age! Whether a advice, investments or monetary formulation we have been here to answer all your questions as good as promote all your monetary needs.

Hypo Venture Capital Why Invest Offshore 

Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs

Hypo Venture Capital World Headlines — Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines:Pacquiao, Mosley weigh in for WBO title fight LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Manny Pacquiao, the Filipino congressman who holds two world titles, puts his World Boxing Organization title on the line when he meets Shane Mosley in a welterweight bout on Saturday. Pacquiao and challenger Mosley weighed in Friday for their title fight in front of a standing-room only crowd of about 6,500 at the MGM Grand Garden arena. Pacquiao, who is a 6-1 favorite, tipped the scales at 145 pounds and American Mosley was 147 pounds. The 32-year-old Pacquiao stripped off his red and blue track suit and stepped onto the scale wearing just his shorts and white socks as a roar went up from the mostly Filipino crowd. “I believe Shane Mosley is a good fighter and he trained his hardest for this fight so I have had to train even harder,” said Pacquiao, who is also the WBC super welterweight champion. 

Hypo Venture Capital

Hypo Venture Capital is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors. For more information go to
Hypo Venture Capital
Stephen Holmes
Stockerhof Dreikoenigstrasse 31 A
Gosport, Hampshire
United Kingdom, 8002

Voice +41 (0)44 208 3530
Fax +41 (0)44 208 3530

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

German Stocks Fall; BMW, Hochtief Shares Drop as Deutsche Boerse: Advanceshypo venture capital stocks retreated, led by declining automakers, after another earthquake struck Japan, shaking buildings in Tokyo.
Daimler AG (DAI) and Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), the world’s largest makers of luxury cars, dropped more than 2 percent as Credit Suisse Group AG downgraded the industry. Hochtief AG (HOT) plunged 9.5 percent as the builder said profit may fall about 50 percent this year. Deutsche Boerse AG (DB1) rose 0.9 percent after the NYSE Euronext board unanimously rejected a rival approach from Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. and IntercontinentalExchange Inc.
The benchmark DAX Index (DAX) slipped 0.2 percent to 7,204.86 at the 5:30 p.m. close in Frankfurt, retreated from a one-month high. The gauge has climbed 11 percent from this year’s low on March 16 as investors speculated that the global economic recovery will withstand Japan’s March 11 quake, the biggest on record, and popular revolts in the Middle East and north Africa. The broader HDAX Index (HDAX) dropped 0.3 percent today.
“The DAX is trading lower after Credit Suisse turned more cautious on automakers and downgraded Daimler, which also impacted the performance of BMW and Volkswagen,” said Anita Paluch, a sales trader at ETX Capital in London. “The lurking nervousness has come however to the fore as fresh news emerged about another earthquake hitting Japan, causing markets to react negatively.”

Japan Quake

The DAX earlier slid as much as 0.8 percent after a 6.6- magnitude earthquake hit Japan about 60 kilometers (37 miles) from Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s stricken nuclear power plant, prompting a tsunami warning and shaking buildings in the country’s capital.
The quake struck at 5:16 p.m. local time 38 kilometers west of Iwaki and 163 kilometers from Tokyo at a depth of 10 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. USGS revised the magnitude down from 7.1 earlier.
Daimler slumped 2.7 percent to 50.65 euros as Credit Suisse Group AG downgraded the stock to “neutral” from “outperform.” BMW slid 2.5 percent to 57.10 euros, while Volkswagen AG, Europe’s largest carmaker, declined 1.4 percent to 110.45 euros.
Credit Suisse also downgraded auto-industry shares to “benchmark,” saying it’s cautious on stocks that are more reliant on economic growth. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said sales may grow at a slower pace than previously forecast this year.
Hochtief tumbled 9.5 percent to 62.26 euros, the biggest drop in two years, after its Australian unit predicted a loss and announced a A$757 million ($800 million) stock sale. Germany’s largest listed builder said it will take up its full allotment in Leighton Holdings Ltd.’s share sale.
Deutsche Boerse Rises
Deutsche Boerse gained 0.9 percent to 54.93 euros, the highest price in a month. NYSE Euronext yesterday reaffirmed its $9.67 billion agreement with Deutsche Boerse for the Frankfurt- based exchange to buy the operator of the New York Stock Exchange. NYSE said Deutsche Boerse’s offer will create more value and has a greater likelihood of winning regulatory approval.
Deutsche Boerse doesn’t plan to raise its offer for NYSE Euronext, according to three people familiar with the matter. The Frankfurt-based exchange operator is confident it can close the transaction in the fourth quarter, said the people, who declined to be identified because talks are confidential.
Roth & Rau AG (R8R), a maker of solar-cell production equipment, surged 13 percent to 22.30 euros, the biggest gain since 2008, after Meyer Burger Technology AG agreed to buy the German company for 357 million euros ($516 million).

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Balanced Investment Strategies
Balanced investment strategy is perhaps the most followed and successful investment strategy for portfolio management.
Balanced investment strategy is perhaps the most followed and successful investment strategy for portfolio management. Its primary aim is to keep a balance between investment risk and return. A balanced investment strategy combines the merit of aggressive and defensive investing strategies.
Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
Aggressive investment strategy involves investing in high return high risk investments with the sole purpose of maximizing return from investments. It involves allocating major portion of portfolio capital to invest in equities, equity based funds and highly volatile markets. Investors following aggressive investment strategy often look for comparatively short-term profiting and wish to invest more in growth stocks, and small caps and mid cap stocks. Advantages of aggressive investing include quick profit, high return over investment and no need of large portfolio capital. It can work really well for experienced investors and investors who are very strict in their money management. Disadvantages include high risk, high volatility in total portfolio value and no surety of profit. It less supports novice investors and investor looking for monthly earnings or living costs.
Defensive investment strategy is just opposite of aggressive investment; it’s purpose is to preserve the capital and ensure some return from investments. It involves investing in low profit low risk investments like bonds, money market funds, treasury notes, and equities with minimum price volatility and good dividends. Defensive investors look for long-term profits and/or monthly earnings. Advantages of defensive investment strategy include reduced risk, predictable income, better investment planning and diversification of portfolio. This strategy mainly suits beginners. Disadvantages include low return from investments and requirement of high capital investments.
In balanced investment strategy, the investor tries to keep a balance between his aggressive and defensive behaviors. It involves balancing of both return and risk by diversifying investments in both high return high risk and low return low risk investments. Balanced investors often follow a portfolio capital allocation rule telling how much to invest in equities and bonds and how much to invest in treasury notes, precious metals and funds. Usually one portion of portfolio is actively managed and other portion is left to grow automatically. Balanced investment strategy can be slightly aggressive or slightly defensive with respect to investments made.
The greatest advantage of balanced investment strategy is the diversification of portfolio and hedging against high total portfolio value volatility. It is good for investors looking for medium-term (3 to 5 years) profits. Other advantages include flexibility in portfolio management, better results with better capital investments, (almost) predictable income and manageable portfolio risk. Balanced investment strategy support both beginners and experienced investors and can be an option for monthly earnings for living.
Investing in your priorities
A socially responsible strategy allows individuals to invest in a way that is consistent with their own priorities. As indicated by performance in recent years, choosing to invest in this manner does not mean sacrificing potential return. However, not all investments will perform in the same way.
If this method of investing interests you, work with your Hypo Venture Capital financial advisor to learn more about how SRI options can work in conjunction with your overall investment strategy. There are a number of mutual funds to choose from that can be incorporated into an existing or proposed asset allocation strategy. Alternatively, you can select specific investments that fit more particular criteria or apply your own social screens to your managed portfolio. Be sure to consider how any investment you choose matches your risk profile and your return expectations.
The most effective approach to socially responsible investing is to make sure that the execution of the strategy is consistent with your overall financial plan. Your HVC financial advisor can help you review your current asset allocation and help you consider whether social investing is right for you.

Hypo Venture Capital

Hypo Venture Capital
Our company invests venture capital funds into newly created companies, primarily in western Europe. At current, our focus is within the internet and world wide web. We provide management guidance as well as seed funding. Read More

Funds is The Answer Your Looking For by Hypo Venture Capital Zurich
Here we look to dispel some of the jargon and confusion surrounding ‘Funds’, breaking them down, with no nonsense explanations in an attempt to help you understand this strategic investment.
Starting out?
Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
Many newcomers to equity investment are nervous about investing in individual firms – and with good reason. Putting all your money into a few stocks is a high-risk strategy, especially for the inexperienced, because it leaves you vulnerable to sharp fluctuations in the share price of the individual stocks you pick, not the markets in which they trade. If you get it right and pick winners, great. But if you pick a couple of big losers, your whole portfolio will be scuppered. Collective or ‘pooled’ investments can diversify your holdings and therefore reduce that risk.
Why pooled funds?
Unit trusts, open-ended investment companies (Oeics, pronounced ‘oiks’) and investment trusts are all vehicles that let you pool your money with lots of other ‘retail’ – or small – investors. (In the US, this kind of investment is known as a ‘mutual fund’.) The pooled money is then invested on your behalf in a wide range of different equities by specialist fund managers. (There are also funds that invest in bonds or other assets, such as commercial property or commodities.) The fund manager takes a fee to run the fund and research what stocks to buy.
If they get it right, it means you get access to a highly diversified range of stocks at a reasonable cost. It also gives you easy access to asset classes and international markets that would otherwise be difficult and/or expensive to invest in. For example, specialist funds are available that invest only in Japan, or Latin America, or only in technology firms, and so on. Also, different funds are designed to meet different investment objectives and there’s a wide range to choose from. Some aim for income, some for capital growth, and some for a balance of the two.
Unit trusts and Oeics
Until recently, unit trusts were the main kind of collective retail investment in the UK. With a unit trust, you buy a fixed number of units in a fund, which then rise and fall according to the value of the underlying assets the trust invests in. Over the past few years, many fund managers have converted their unit trusts into Oeics in the belief that investors find them simpler to understand. From the point of view of the investor, Oeics are more or less the same as unit trusts; they are ‘open-ended’ in the sense that (like unit trusts) the fund’s size expands and contracts depending on investor demand. The big difference is that Oeics have only one price (as opposed to the dual bid/offer pricing of unit trusts).
Investment trusts
Like Oeics, investment trusts are firms whose business is to invest in the shares of other companies. But unlike unit trusts and Oeics, investment trusts are ‘closed-ended’: there are a fixed number of shares in issue, which are traded on the stock exchange. The purpose of an investment trust is, broadly speaking, the same as an Oeic – to give smaller investors cheap access to a wide range of shares. But they are structured rather differently.
The fact that investment trust shares are traded on the open market (the London Stock Exchange) means the share price is determined not just by the value of the trust’s underlying assets, but by current market demand for its shares. Sometimes, if an investment trust is popular, it will trade at a premium to its net asset value (NAV). Other times, it will be trading at a discount.
Investment trusts can borrow money (called “gearing”), often up to 10%-15% of the value of assets and use it to invest in the markets. This is great if the markets go up, but of course the funds losses escalate if they fall.
The final significant difference is that investment trusts are cheaper to buy than unit trusts or Oeics. Actively managed unit trusts have upfront fees of anything up to 5%-6% of the investment, plus an annual management fee of around 1.5%. By contrast, charges on investment trusts are typically less than 1%.
Passive or active?
One way of minimising the cost is to go for an index-tracking fund. These funds aim to match or ‘track’ the performance of a given market index, such as the FTSE All-Share or the FTSE 100. They do this using computer programs to work out how much of each individual stock they need to buy and sell to mimic the performance of the index as a whole.
That’s much cheaper than employing lots of expensive ‘experts’ and researchers, so index-trackers are much cheaper than ‘actively-managed’ funds. Index-trackers might seem like a safety-first option, but there’s a great deal of research evidence to suggest that they outperform most actively managed funds over the long-run because their charges are so low (typically 0.5%, or even less).
Another good ‘passive’ form of pooled investment is the exchange-traded fund (ETF). These work like index-trackers, in that they target a particular market or sector index, but are traded as shares, allowing for a cheap and highly flexible investment.

Hypo Venture Capital
Our company invests venture capital funds into newly created companies, primarily in western Europe. At current, our focus is within the internet and world wide web. We provide management guidance as well as seed funding.

Hypo Venture Capital: How Much Money Is Needed for Retirement?
Most early- and mid-career workers see retirement as being far off in the distance. While retirees spend their days relaxing under swaying palms and contemplating how thankful they are to be out of the rat race for good, the reality is quite different. Today, people are retiring later and finding the need to save more money to live comfortably after retirement. No two ways about it, the longer people wait to retire, the more comfortable their lives will be.
Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
How Much Money Does a Person Need to Retire?
How much money a person needs for retirement depends on a variety of factors including desired lifestyle, location, retirement age, anticipated social security payments, and perhaps even medical needs. While some experts predict a person may need anywhere between $850,000-$1.5 million to retire comfortably, the amount is different for everyone all over the globe.
In order to determine exactly how much a person needs for retirement, numerous retirement planning and financial websites feature retirement calculators. Using a retirement calculator, the person enters information including desired retirement age, expected social security payments, current age, current annual income, and life expectancy. The results show the total amount of money needed to retire comfortably factoring in inflation.
The Bottom Line on How Much Money is Needed for Retirement
Bottom line, people should begin saving for retirement as soon as possible, preferably in their 20’s. The age of retirement varies; but if the person waits until age 70 to retire, he or she will enjoy a comfortable retirement. The amount of money needed for retirement depends on a variety of factors and is different for everyone. But with careful retirement planning and the use of a retirement calculator, people can live out their Golden Years more comfortably.
Want to know more?
Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors. For more information go to

Funds is The Answer Your Looking For by Hypo Venture Capital Zurich

( April 15, 2011 --
Here we look to dispel some of the jargon and confusion surrounding ‘Funds’, breaking them down, with no nonsense explanations in an attempt to help you understand this strategic investment.
Starting out?

Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
Many newcomers to equity investment are nervous about investing in individual firms – and with good reason. Putting all your money into a few stocks is a high-risk strategy, especially for the inexperienced, because it leaves you vulnerable to sharp fluctuations in the share price of the individual stocks you pick, not the markets in which they trade. If you get it right and pick winners, great. But if you pick a couple of big losers, your whole portfolio will be scuppered. Collective or ‘pooled’ investments can diversify your holdings and therefore reduce that risk.
Why pooled funds?

Unit trusts, open-ended investment companies (Oeics, pronounced ‘oiks’) and investment trusts are all vehicles that let you pool your money with lots of other ‘retail’ – or small – investors. (In the US, this kind of investment is known as a ‘mutual fund’.) The pooled money is then invested on your behalf in a wide range of different equities by specialist fund managers. (There are also funds that invest in bonds or other assets, such as commercial property or commodities.) The fund manager takes a fee to run the fund and research what stocks to buy.
If they get it right, it means you get access to a highly diversified range of stocks at a reasonable cost. It also gives you easy access to asset classes and international markets that would otherwise be difficult and/or expensive to invest in. For example, specialist funds are available that invest only in Japan, or Latin America, or only in technology firms, and so on. Also, different funds are designed to meet different investment objectives and there’s a wide range to choose from. Some aim for income, some for capital growth, and some for a balance of the two.
Unit trusts and Oeics

Until recently, unit trusts were the main kind of collective retail investment in the UK. With a unit trust, you buy a fixed number of units in a fund, which then rise and fall according to the value of the underlying assets the trust invests in. Over the past few years, many fund managers have converted their unit trusts into Oeics in the belief that investors find them simpler to understand. From the point of view of the investor, Oeics are more or less the same as unit trusts; they are ‘open-ended’ in the sense that (like unit trusts) the fund’s size expands and contracts depending on investor demand. The big difference is that Oeics have only one price (as opposed to the dual bid/offer pricing of unit trusts).
Investment trusts
Like Oeics, investment trusts are firms whose business is to invest in the shares of other companies. But unlike unit trusts and Oeics, investment trusts are ‘closed-ended’: there are a fixed number of shares in issue, which are traded on the stock exchange. The purpose of an investment trust is, broadly speaking, the same as an Oeic – to give smaller investors cheap access to a wide range of shares. But they are structured rather differently.

The fact that investment trust shares are traded on the open market (the London Stock Exchange) means the share price is determined not just by the value of the trust’s underlying assets, but by current market demand for its shares. Sometimes, if an investment trust is popular, it will trade at a premium to its net asset value (NAV). Other times, it will be trading at a discount.
Investment trusts can borrow money (called “gearing”), often up to 10%-15% of the value of assets and use it to invest in the markets. This is great if the markets go up, but of course the funds losses escalate if they fall.
The final significant difference is that investment trusts are cheaper to buy than unit trusts or Oeics. Actively managed unit trusts have upfront fees of anything up to 5%-6% of the investment, plus an annual management fee of around 1.5%. By contrast, charges on investment trusts are typically less than 1%.
Passive or active?

One way of minimising the cost is to go for an index-tracking fund. These funds aim to match or ‘track’ the performance of a given market index, such as the FTSE All-Share or the FTSE 100. They do this using computer programs to work out how much of each individual stock they need to buy and sell to mimic the performance of the index as a whole.
That’s much cheaper than employing lots of expensive ‘expert

Reasons to Invest Offshore By Hypo Venture Capital Zurich
( April 15, 2011 --
What are the benefits available to you from the world of offshore savings, investment, finance and banking?
Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.

Even in this day and age of enlightenment thanks to the pervasive nature of information dissemination via the internet, some people are still concerned about the legalities and legitimacy of the offshore world of finance and banking. For some reason others simply assume that onshore equates to a ‘safe haven’ for money and offshore equates to a ‘risky tax haven.’
Well, you and I know that that is simply not the case! However, even though it is now clearer to more people that the offshore world holds many potential taxation benefits, there are still questions to be answered about why one should invest offshore and in this article we explore the benefits.

First things first…here’s another myth I wish to dispel – some people say that offshore investments and bank accounts are more lightly regulated than their entity-type-counterparts onshore…now, that’s not necessarily true!

Yes, certain jurisdictions give fund managers, bankers and investors pretty much free rein so that the rewards and risks are potentially far greater – but some jurisdictions are very highly regarded among financial professionals simply because of the incredibly high standards of protection they afford investors and account holders through insurance schemes and government regulation requirements for example:

The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are examples of offshore jurisdictions where offshore investment and saving policy or bank account holders are afforded high levels of protection. Just taking the Isle of Man – it offers policyholder protection schemes, it also has the highest financial services rating issued by the OECD, FATF and FSF and it has an independent Financial Services Ombudsman scheme not to mention the fact that both Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s have given the Isle of Man AAA ratings.

So – myth dispelled, let’s move on.

In terms of the benefits available when investing offshore they will always, always depend on the particular circumstances of the individual investor - but offshore financial services and structures can be used as part of an overall asset protection strategy for example, investing offshore can afford an investor greater flexibility in terms of international accessibility and the commodities, equities, derivatives, stocks, shares or companies they can invest in, plus there are of course sometimes significant taxation benefits available to an account holder depending on their countries of tax residence and domicile.

Other answers to the question posed by this article – namely ‘why invest offshore?’ – are because there are general benefits available including more efficient estate planning potential, privacy and confidentiality, better interest returns, the chance to exploit active business interests overseas in low or no tax locations and global access to assets and income.

So, while the internet has been fantastic in terms of allowing more people to become far more broadly informed - especially about subjects as seemingly taboo as all things offshore - it is still absolutely in a government’s interests to avoid advising people that the offshore world is open and available to them because they may well lose out on taxation revenue as a result! This means it is up to independent websites such as World Financial Asset Advisory to give you free access to facts and general information and for you to then see how and why such information is or is not applicable to your own personal circumstances. At which stage you can then take specific and expert advice from a qualified individual as to how you can best utilize the offshore world.

And on that final note there is just one more thing to say! A potential investor (you) has to be absolutely sure that the actions they are about to take in terms of placing assets offshore will be of benefit to them. Additionally they need to make sure that they are acting legally, that a company they are entrusting with their money is legitimate and that they understand the risks associated with their decisions.

To that end we at Hypo Venture Capital will always advise that you should to do your own due diligence on the jurisdiction recommended to you or chosen by you, the company you are considering investing or banking with and the policy or account you are taking out. Common sense is the main key to ensuring you do not make a mistake when entering the world....

Hypo Venture Capital

Hypo Venture Capital is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions. All views, comments, statements and opinions are of the authors. For more information go to
Hypo Venture Capital
Stephen Holmes
Stockerhof Dreikoenigstrasse 31 A
Gosport, Hampshire
United Kingdom, 8002

Voice +41 (0)44 208 3530
Fax +41 (0)44 208 3530


Here at Hypo Venture Capital we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.
Investing money in 2011 through 2012 may require that most people change their thinking about the best investment strategy. Traditional investing strategy for average folks suggests an asset allocation of over 50% to stock funds, about 40% to bond funds, and the rest to perhaps a precious metals (gold) fund for added diversification. In the world of investing money, times are changing; especially for bonds and gold.
In putting together your investment strategy one of the best ways to focus is to consider the flow of money between asset classes over the recent months and years. In the investing world money always goes someplace, and it tends to concentrates in different areas at different times. When money floods an asset class like bonds or gold, prices can rise dramatically. When it makes a grand exit prices can tumble. Extremes in price movements should grab your attention when investing money for 2011 and beyond, especially when you hear mention of the word “bubble”.
In the months leading up to 2011, investors both large and small were investing money heavily in bonds and in precious metals like gold. This investment strategy was among the best as prices in both asset classes climbed to record or near record highs. Millions of everyday folks threw money at bond funds and some discovered gold funds. The question going forward: are prices at extremes, and is either investment a bubble waiting to deflate or burst? Let’s look at bonds first.
Investors have flooded bond funds with an additional net inflow of hundreds of billions of dollars while pulling money out of stock funds in recent times. The bond funds have then taken this money and bought more bonds, in the process sending bond prices up to extremes. This has pushed bond yields (interest income as a percentage) to near-record lows. Looking back to 1981, the 10-year Treasury note (intermediate-term government bonds) hit a high yield of 14%. Today they’re paying less than 3%, near historical lows. The problem: investing money in bonds and bond funds carries a significant risk today. When interest rates go UP, bond prices (values) will FALL. If there is a bubble here it will deflate as investors rush to pull money out of bonds.
The best investment strategy for 2011 in the bond department is to avoid long-term bonds and funds that invest in them because they will get hit the hardest when rates go up. Who wants to get stuck at a low fixed interest rate for 20 or so years when rates are going up? Go with shorter-term funds holding average bond maturities of 7 years or less. DON’T chase bond funds; consider cutting back your holdings. Investing too much money here has too much downside risk associated with it… unless you’re willing to speculate that interest rates and our economy will stay depressed well beyond 2011.
Now let’s get a perspective on gold prices that recently glittered at an all-time high of over $1400 an ounce. In 1999 gold sold for as little as $253. Investing money in 2011 and beyond in gold or gold funds at these prices is as much speculation as it is hedging against disaster. The best investment strategy here is to take some profits if you have them. If you missed the boat in gold, wait for the next one. The price of gold has been unstable at best since the yellow metal resumed trading in the U.S. in the mid-1970s. Don’t view gold as the best growth investment. View it more as a speculative bubble with risk outweighing future profit potential. The price would have to go up $1400 an ounce in order to double your money at recent prices. This is not a likely scenario.
Now that you’ve cut back on bonds and precious metals, what’s the best investment strategy for the rest of your money? Unless you’re over the age of 80 and/or extremely risk adverse, you need stocks in your investment portfolio. There hasn’t been a real bubble in the stock market since 1999 when the Dow peaked and closed the year at 11,497. In late 2010 that ever-popular stock market barometer was fighting just to get back to its 1999 highs… after the shock delivered to it by the financial crisis of 2008.
In 2011 and beyond investing money in stock (equity) funds should focus on both those that invest in domestic (U.S.) stocks, and in international funds that invest money abroad as well. You need all of the diversification you can get. Go with funds that invest money in large well established companies with a good record for paying dividends. These are less risky and volatile than growth funds that pay little if any dividends. Plus, good reliable income from either dividends or interest is hard to come by these days.
For the rest of your money you need good safe investments that pay interest. Here we face another of today’s extremes: historically low interest rates at the bank and in the money markets. Even though you’re looking at less than 1% a year in interest, you’ve got to go with the flow and continue investing money here because these are truly the best safe investments. The best investment strategy for mutual fund investors: money market funds. When rates go back up your money market fund yields will automatically follow and go up accordingly.
The best investment strategy for 2011 and beyond will be to diversify broadly, leaning toward a defensive posture. Investing money across all of the investment classes mentioned is still the key to long term success as an investor. Sometimes… like now… it’s better to be more conservative when investing, and live to chase opportunity another day.
Want to know more?
Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland is an independent investment advisory firm which focuses on global equities and options markets. Our analytical tools, screening techniques, rigorous research methods and committed staff provide solid information to help our clients make the best possible investment decisions.